Paul D. Cramm

What to Look for When Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

What to Look For When Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Interviewer: What would you say makes you different, and unique, and able to provide a good defense for people? What personal statement do you want to make?

Neither Attorneys nor Clients Know the Outcome of Their Cases. But What Should the Clients Know?

Paul: I think I tend to be very patient, and I think I tend to be very thorough. I don’t run a high volume practice; I try to run a high quality practice. I try to limit the number of files and cases that I have open at any time so that I don’t have any clients who feel as though they get short-changed.

Attorney Cramm’s Clients Know He Is Available and Has Devoted Every Resource to Their Defense

I just want to make sure every case gets the fine-tooth comb, and every client gets first class treatment. We can’t control the facts, we can’t always dictate what the outcome will be, but a client should know that you always have time to talk with them and spend time with them.

If they know that you went over the file with a fine tooth comb, I think the client is likely to be a little more at peace with whatever outcome you have whether it’s a successful trial or a plea negotiation or a diversion.

No matter what happens, if the client knows the lawyer had unlimited time for the client and ample time for the case, clients are much more at peace with whatever happens. Rather than looking in hindsight saying, “Could I have won if we fought? Could I have won if we litigated this issue? Should I have hired someone else?”

You can encounter second guessing when decisions are made too quickly on the front end of the case. I don’t want there to be any second guessing in my practice with my client, so I just try to be very patient with the client and with the case, and I try to be very thorough in the way I analyze these cases in prepping for trial.

Watch this video to learn how Paul Cramm defends DUI and DWI defense and to see why you need his representation in your Kansas City Drunk Driving case.

Call today for an initial consultation to discuss your case: (913) 322-3265.  I represent clients facing serious criminal charges throughout the Kansas City Metro area including the municipalities of Johnson County, Kansas: De Soto, Gardner, Leawood, Lenexa, Merriam, Mission, Olathe, Overland Park, Prairie Village and Shawnee.

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